Book: Premenstrual Syndrome: The Essential Guide by Susie Perry Debice

The NHS states that every woman, at some point in her life, is likely to experience PMS. This book explains that PMS is simply your body’s way of letting you know your hormones are out of balance and helps you discover which type of PMS you naturally gravitate towards. There are four different sub-categories of PMS (PMS-A, PMS-C, PMS-H and PMS-D) each with a particular hormone pattern, specific nutrient deficiencies, common set of symptoms and typical lifestyle factors.

Susie explains how best to cope and address each of these types of PMS in her science-made-simple style of writing. In each chapter she shares her knowledge and insight of the link between nutrition and female health gained from nearly 20 years working as a Nutritional Therapist helping many women find their way back to better health from a variety of hormone related conditions. 

This book is designed to help you identify and understand your type of PMS and Susie provides plenty of practical advice, tips and tools enabling you to manage your symptoms and live your life free from the physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms of PMS!

Type: Book


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